Use the Edulog Web Query tool to view which school attendance area(s) you live in and determine if your child is eligible for home to school bussing.
All students must be registered with the Consortium in order to ride a bus. Information displayed in the Web Query tool will be confirmed by the NWOSSC team once we receive your transportation request.
Click here to open Web Query in a new tab
How to use Web Query
Address: Enter your home address, or the address from which you need school bussing (e.g. 100 Casimir Avenue, Dryden ON). Our address system is powered by Google, and will find addresses matching your search as you type. When you see your address appear, select it from the list. Mapping may not be available for all areas – if Web Query cannot find your address please contact us.
Grade: Click this box to select the grade of your student. Please note that eligibility for home to school transportation is determined by grade according to the Transportation Policy. Eligible students who reside, or whose caregiver resides, more than the following distances by public road or publicly owned and maintained access route from the designated school may be provided transportation:
JK, SK over 500 metres
Grades 1,2,3 over 1.0 km
Grades 4 -8 over 1.6 km
Grades 9-12 0ver 3.2 km
Program: Click this box to select a school program that your student is enrolled in. If your student is not enrolled in a specific program, select DFLT for default.