This page outlines current practices that are in place to ensure that students arrive at school safely, on time, and ready to learn during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. These practices may be updated throughout the school year to reflect current public health guidance.
Updated August 2023
School buses may operate at full capacity. Regular capacity for school bus seating is up to three students per seat for Kindergarten to Grade 6, and two students per seat for Grades 7-12.
Parents/Guardians should assess their child’s health daily before sending them on the bus or dropping them off at school. Please use the link below to access Ontario’s COVID-19 school and child care screening.
Effective March 21, 2022 masks will not be required for students and staff on school buses. Students and staff may choose to continue to wear masks in schools and on buses.
The Northwestern Ontario Student Services Consortium will actively promote respectful, welcoming, and inclusive environments for individuals who choose to wear, or not wear, a mask on the school bus.
Respiratory and hand hygiene are critical strategies that limit the transmission of viruses. Students are encouraged to wash their hands thoroughly and/or use hand sanitizer prior to going to the bus stop.
Effective March 21, 2022 masks will not be required for students and staff on school buses. Students and staff may choose to continue to wear masks in schools and on buses.
The Northwestern Ontario Student Services Consortium will actively promote respectful, welcoming, and inclusive environments for individuals who choose to wear, or not wear, a mask on the school bus.
Students should load an unload the bus in an orderly fashion, following the drivers instructions.
Do not crowd the front door while loading and unloading. Only one student should be on the stairs at a time, and hand rails should be used at all times.
After boarding the bus, students should get to their seats and sit down with their bags on their lap as quickly as possible
Bus windows may be opened when possible to increase air circulation inside the bus (weather permitting). Students should dress according to the outdoor conditions to ensure a comfortable bus ride. Parents should remind children that it is unsafe to place a hand or any body part out of the window, and that throwing any items out an open window may result in loss of transportation privileges.
Bus drivers will be provided with personal protective equipment (PPE) including masks, gloves, and eye protection as needed.
Active forms of travel to and from school (for example, walking and cycling) are encouraged where possible. Maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle including using active forms of transportation whenever possible also has health benefits for students and supports successful learning.
Safety remains an important consideration when using active transportation, and it is done at the parent/guardian’s discretion. For more information and resources on how to plan a safe and active trip to school we suggest starting with the following links:
If your child is a bus student but you do not intend to use school bus service regularly, we ask that you notify us and opt-out of transportation. If you opt out you may register your child for bussing at a later date.