February 9, 2025 9:10:47 AM

Notice to Families: Week of February 24-28, 2020 (UPDATE 02-25-2020)

The one-day strike by members of the Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens (AEFO) affecting CSDC ds Aurores boréales (CSDCAB) schools on Thursday, February 27 has been suspended as a result of weather forecasts in many regions of Ontario. All schools will be open to students and bus service will run as usual on Thursday, February 27 unless otherwise notified.

L’association des enseignantes et des enseignantes franco-ontariens (AEFO) qui représente le personnel enseignant de notre Conseil a annoncé aujourd’hui l’annulation de la grève prévue le jeudi 27 février en raison des prévisions météorologiques dans plusieurs régions de l’Ontario.

Ainsi toutes nos écoles seront ouvertes aux élèves et le transport sera assuré le jeudi 27 février.

All Keewatin Patricia District School Board schools (elementary and secondary) will be CLOSED to students on Friday, February 28 as members of Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF/FEESO) participate in a one-day strike. Bus service for students of the affected schools will be CANCELLED for the day, unless otherwise notified.

For more information about job action affecting each school board, please check their websites using the links below:

  • Keewatin Patricia District School Board (KPDSB)
  • Kenora Catholic District School Board (KCDSB)
  • Northwest Catholic District School Board (TNCDSB)
  • Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales (CSDCAB)

Bus service to all schools not affected by withdrawal of service will continue as normal on Thursday and Friday.

Please continue to visit www.nwobus.ca for information and updates regarding bus service and check our week at a glance for February 24-28.

Thank you,


Dan Ridgway

General Manager

Northwestern Ontario Student Services Consortium